In this page you are shown all the contents of files related to subjects studied at the course of Computer Science (informatica) at the Università degli Studi di Milano.
Everything you see here is open source, feel free to share and use.
In case you had anything you want to share, feel free to contact me and i will be posting here your files!

Please be aware that the files provided within these pages may not always be entirely accurate or up-to-date. Course content can change frequently, and these files may not reflect the current curriculum you are studying. Therefore, they might not be suitable for your exam preparation. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of these notes, as I do not verify each note that is contributed. Remember, relying solely on someone else’s notes is not an effective study method. It is crucial to engage with the material directly and use these notes as a supplementary resource only.
Best regards and good luck with your exams!

Primo AnnoSecondo AnnoTerzo AnnoComplementari
Matematica del continuoProgrammazione IIReti di calcolatoriCrittografia
Matematica del discretoBasi DatiIngegneria del SoftwareSicurezza e privatezza
Architettura degli elaboratori IIAlgoritmi e strutture DatiAspetti EticiSistemi Embedded
Linguaggi Formali e AutomiSistemi OperativiTecnologie e linguaggi per il Web
Logica MatematicaStatisticaLinguaggi di programmazione
Architettura degli elaboratori IFisica

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